The Perfume Pagoda

We were up at seven again. Well, actually, I was up a few hours before hand because my brother Elisha woke me up. We had a breakfast of fries, boiled eggs, hot dogs (gross!!), soup, pancakes and fruit. Everything was cold. Soon though, we were all done and ready to go. A tour bus came

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A Heaven On Earth

  “This is heavy.” I grunted as I shouldered my scuba tank onto my back. “Here, let me help you,” our instructor said. His name is Boo. We were about a mile from the island Tobacco Caye. Hannah and I were taking classes on how to scuba dive and this was our last day. I

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Water Falls

“We get to go to a waterfall?” Ezra asks for the tenth time that day. “Yes Ezra. Mrs. Gabell and her family are taking us. Now don’t ask again please. Dad is trying to drive.” Mrs. Gabell has one child who is four years old. He is really cute. The first time we met at

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